How and When to Apply
Seoul National University’s academic year begins in the spring. The university offers admissions for the fall semester as well as the spring semester. Please visit the web pages listed below for more information about the application process and to link to the application.
Domestic Students
International Students
Admission Requirements
Seoul National University’s academic year begins in the spring. The university offers admissions for the fall semester as well as the spring semester. Please visit the web pages listed below for more information about the application process and to link to the application.
Master’s Program
He or she holds a Bachelor’s degree, or is considered by the admissions committee to have an acceptable level of intellectual competence matching one holding an equivalent or higher degree.
Doctoral Program
He or she holds a Master’s degree, or is considered by the admissions committee to have an acceptable level of intellectual competence matching one holding an equivalent or higher degree.
English Score
The TEPS score is only valid if it is from the previous 2 years based prior to the entrance examination.
* Master’s Program: Minimum score required to apply are TEPS 298, TOEFL(IBT) 79.
* Doctoral Program: Minimum score required to apply are TEPS 298, TOEFL(IBT) 79, TOEFL(CBT) 213, TOEFL(PBT) 550.
석사과정:개정 TEPS 298점 이상/기존 TEPS 3+급(551점)이상 또는 TOEFL IBT 79점 이상
박사과정:개정 TEPS 298점 이상/기존 TEPS 3+급(551점)이상 또는 TOEFL IBT 79점,CBT 213점, PBT 550점 이상
(21.10.22.수정* 개정TEPS 점수는 2018. 5. 12. 시행 제248회 시험부터 적용됨)