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48. Choi, J. N., Sung, S. Y., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Workforce diversity in manufacturing companies and organizational performance: The role of status-relatedness and internal processes. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28, 2738-2761.
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45. *Park, J., Chae, H., & Choi, J. N. (2017). The need for status as a hidden motive of knowledge-sharing behavior: An application of costly signaling theory. Human Performance, 30, 21-37.
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43. Gong, T., & Choi, J. N. (2016). Effects of task complexity on creative customer behavior. European Journal of Marketing, 50, 1003-1023.
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40. Yoon, H. J., Sung, S. Y., Choi, J. N., Lee. K., & Kim, S. (2015). Tangible and intangible rewards and employee creativity: The mediating role of situational extrinsic motivation. Creativity Research Journal, 27, 383-393.
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